One Sky One World International Kite Fly For Peace -- Sunday, October 8, 2017 -- Always the Second Sunday in October!

Jane Parker-Ambrose Flies a Kite at the Eiffel Tower

Jane Parker-Ambrose flying a Kite
                                  at the Eiffel Tower

   In September of 2012, Jane Parker-Ambrose visited Paris, France and became the very first person to fly a kite from the Eiffel Tower in respect for the United Nations International Day of Peace and the Fall equinox.

    Founder of One Sky One World, Mrs. Parker-Ambrose, flew a kite for peace and was the first person ever recorded to fly a kite off the Eiffel Tower.  The kite, a tissue paper bee made by Belgian architect and kitemaker Nest Lernout, has a frame which forms the international peace symbol, a bee. In France at the invitation of the Dieppe International Kite Festival, Jane was honored at the festival for One Sky One World's work in the spirit of international friendship and protection of the planet's environment.

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